Saturday, December 24, 2011

Taking Prescription Drugs to Loose Weight?

It just doesn't seem very smart to me to take prescription drugs to loose weight. However, I know different medical conditions can make exercise hard to impossible.
I get so sick of the able bodied snobs talking about taking pride in themselves as if having a good body is a matter of choice. Freaking snobs need to be taking to the wood shed and have some manners beat into them. WIth a little luck, you might be able to be some comon sense into them too but I really kind of doubt it.
If you're health is bad enough and your weight is bad enough then doing whatever it takes to loose weight does make sense. If it means taking drugs to do it and the situation has become that bad it is certainly better than dying.
The doctor gave me something to help with diabetes, it prevented absorbtion of some kinds of foods but I had to stop taking it. It made me feel bad all the time. Mostly I felt like I was going to explode from the gas it caused. haha I stopped taking it and it was much better the next day. I was tired of stomach cramps at all times. I liked the idea of what it did but the side effects were just to severe for me.